The Hague Video from The Hague Here is some footage from our workshop Good Praxis— From Individual Desire To Collective Action, for Studium Generale of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague during the Joint Research Day 2024 on 22 November.
art education Good Praxis Barcelona 04 November 22nd, 2024 A talk on Good Praxis and Degrowth for Artists
The Hague Good Praxis The Hague In the workshop Good Praxis — From Individual Desire To Collective Action of the Studium Generale of the Royal Academy of Art for the Joint Research Day 2024, artist, organiser and teacher Juha van ‘t Zelfde will organise a mutual aid workshop on collective creativity.
Barcelona Good Praxis Barcelona 03 On 26 November in La Capella, Barcelona, Good Praxis participated in a
helsinki Good Praxis Helsinki—part 1 We organised a week-long Good Praxis workshop with 50 students of Art School Maa for the opening of their new school year. Connecting to the theme of Drifts Festival—Precarious Lives—students organised a communal celebration based on mutual aid. In other words: we organised a party.
helsinki Good Praxis Helsinki For Drifts Festival in Helsinki, Juha will organise a week-long workshop with students of Art School Maa. Connecting to the theme of Drifts Festival students will organise a communal celebration based on mutual aid.
Barcelona Degrowth for Artists Barcelona Upcoming Degrowth for Artists workshop led by artist Arnau Sala Saez at Centre d'Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona) in the framework of "(creating) Situations: arts and thought Collective learning and research programme" this May 16th.
amsterdam Good Praxis Skatepark Noord Good Praxis Skatepark Noord is a Good Praxis music session at Skatepark NOORD in Amsterdam.
amsterdam Good Praxis Amsterdam How do you organise a club night? What does a climate just club scene look like? And what new forms of collective expression are needed for solidarity, community and revolution?
Hiper-Mediacions Publication This booklet is the result of the Hiper-mediations workshops which happened between October 2022 and April 2023 in Can Felipa. The contents of this book are a collective effort carried out during these workshops.
Homo Ludens Free Association: Revolt of the Homo Ludens New post from Free Association, a newsletter about collective creativity.