George Chua — Evidence Of Things Not Seen
Digital File (MP3, FLAC, WAV)
All Music — George Chua
Recorded between 2003–2004 using the Plogue Bidule software.
George Chua’s “Evidence of Things Not Seen” has personally been a favorite album of mine for about a decade. In 2006 the title was self released by the Singapore based artist on a limited run of CDR’s and made available for direct download on his website, which is how I obtained it. I remember there was something immediately unique about the 4 pieces; specifically off the first take “Gloria”, that it felt more like the document of a living organism, rather than a piece of music. As you accrue more listens of course your pattern recognition starts to formulate and separate the musical signatures; but the piece still maintains that effervescent living form that moves without you but wills you to follow it. This past year I felt compelled to link friends into the album, however, I couldn’t find any digital copy online, and moreover hardly any information on it. This startled me a bit and I got to work- By way of Social Media I was able to get in contact with George (Thanks to friends at Kitchen Label) and he happily agreed to present the album digitally with Anomia, thus making it accessible to those who missed it the first time around. To hopefully contextualize the album a bit more I inquired further with George on his background, process, conceptualization and what he’s up to now…
—David Sutton
Listen: https://georgechua.bandcamp.com/album/evidence-of-things-not-seen