Good Praxis Mutual Aid Workshop
— ACC025 —
Thursday October 19th, 2023
Workshop and presentation of the Hiper-Mediacions Publication
Legalitat 18, 08024 Barcelona

Good Praxis is art education for climate justice, celebrating successful models of resistance and survival. To raise awareness for mutual aid as an important and empowering alternative or addition to direct action, we are organising a free mutual aid workshop in collaboration with anòmia on 19 October at L’automàtica in Barcelona.
As not everyone can participate in blockades, strikes or blowing up pipelines, mutual aid gives people agency to organise themselves to meet the needs that are not being met by people in power.
The workshop is free and participatory, which means we can all go home with new ideas, plans and comrades.
When governments fail to support the people with food, shelter and care, people often develop their own ways to support each other. Based on solidarity, not charity. This support is called mutual aid.
In this workshop artists Lars Holdhus and Juha van ‘t Zelfde with the assistance of artist Arnau Sala Saez, will give an introduction to the concept of mutual aid. With examples from around the world to Barcelona.
Following the introduction, we will do a mutual aid workshop, in which we will outline the wants, haves and needs in the group, and draw up possible new mutual aid projects.
Organising a mutual aid workshop with a focus on wants, haves, and needs can empower participants, strengthen community bonds, and lead to more effective resource allocation and problem-solving, ultimately contributing to the well-being and resilience of our communities.