Als límites de la perifèria
— ACC003 —
Friday March 21st
CCCB Classrooms
as part of Festival Cau d'Orella
Montalegre, 5 – 08001
Three talks and a round table discussion took us on a journey through some of those events, people and collectives, spaces and activities that in the last four decades did not get to rise above the cultural surface of our city. Active people and collectives that have stayed off the radar of the majority but have always been part of the cultural fabric of the city, although not in the foreground, and often in the most unorthodox form. We will talk about how they were created, what and how they have been inspired by starting from the time before the Internet until today, and we will debate how their experience has been in a hostile cultural habitat, as is the city of Barcelona.

Part One: Ruptures Sòniques de la Barcelona Extinguida (Sonic ruptures of an extinct Barcelona)
with Javier Hernando, Jaime Gonzalo
Using the recent publication of the book La Ciudad Secreta by Jaime Gonzalo and the chapters written by Javier Hernando forAlter Musiques Natives in 1995 as a starting point, the writers will dig up the unusual discoveries of their searches and experiences in a transgressive music scene dissenting from officially recognized culture, an internal exile in the already practically extinct pre-Olympic Barcelona.

Part Two: Als intersticis de la Barcelona apòcrifa (In the insterstices of an apocryphal Barcelona)
with Daniel Sedcontra
Avoiding easy mythification, Daniel Sedcontra traces his own critical cartography of the other Barcelona music scene. Inseparably linked to his industrial project Oscar Abril Ascaso + Sedcontra from the early 90s, it moves mainly between the scene created by the collective and record label G3G, his experience in Radio Pica, and bars such as Fistbar! and Marx Bar.

Part Three: Laptop Dancing: experimentació a l’era digital: 1994-2014 (Laptop Dancing: experimentation in the digital era: 1994-2014)
with Raül Pratginestós
A journey through the last twenty years of Barcelona’s experimental scene. A period characterized by the appearance of an endless amount of new proposals, tools and languages that have shared time and space with the already established. Rupture and continuity in an era marked by the use and abuse of new technologies.